A new Unity Triangle node was added. The node returns a mesh composed of a single triangle whose area is 1, whose center is 0, and whose orientation is such that if an object was instanced on it, the instance orientation will be 0.
This node is extremely useful if one want to instance many meshes with specific transformations. Using the Object Instancer node would be very inefficient. A more efficient approach would be to transform many unity triangles based on the target transformations and then use Blender’s face instating to instance the target objects on that mesh. The following example illustrates this approach.
A new advanced node setting allows the user to skip validation.
The combine mesh node now requires edge indices to be provided when polygon indices are provided. Edge indices can be generated from polygon indices using the Edges Of Polygons node.
The node now allows loading UV maps and vertex color maps into meshes. The following example illustrates the loading of vertex color maps into objects and then writing them again after replicating the mesh.
A new Mesh Info node was added. It is a direct replacement for the Separate Mesh Data node.
Mesh generators now return meshes instead of the individual components.
A new Points mode was added in the Line Mesh node. It creates a line connecting the inputs points.
A new Circle Mesh node was added. The node generates a mesh or a list of meshes representing a circle or a segment of a circle.
This node replaces the old Transform Polygons node. In addition to the standard polygon transformations that were possible before, the node now allows custom pivots and transformation spaces. Custom pivots can be generated using the Extract Polygon Transforms node.
The node now supports more modes of operation. In particular, the transformations can now be alighted with edges based on their distance to a certain point or their direction.
A new Transform Mesh node was added. It replaces the Replicate Mesh node and also provide functionalities to transform a list of objects using virtual lists.
A new Mesh From Spline node was added. The node converts a spline into a mesh with possibly a custom profile.
This node was removed. Replaced by the Extract Polygon Transforms and the Polygon Offset node.
This node was removed. Replaced by the Mesh Info node.
This node was removed. Replaced by the Mesh Object Input node.
This node was removed. Replaced by the Mesh Object Input node.
This node was removed. Replaced by the Transform Mesh node.
A new Set Vertex Weight node was added. This node allows to set weight for each vertex of an object.
A new Triangulate Mesh node was added. This node allows to triangulate a mesh with Fan Span or Ear Clip method.
A new Get Linked Vertices node was added. This node gives information about the vertices (and edges) that are linked to a vertex.
A new Mesh Points Scatter node was added. This node allows to scatter random points on a mesh based on the weight. This node is really helpful for scattering objects on mesh surface e.g., trees on a terrain.
This node now has two modes Start-End and Points to generate line mesh.
New nodes added to get or set vertex colors with different modes. There are three nodes for that Get Vertex Color Layer, Insert Vertex Color Layer, and Set Vertex Color.
The Set Bevel Vertex Weight and Set Bevel Edge Weight nodes added to set bevel weight for vertices and edges of an object.
A new Set Edge Crease node added. This allows to set crease of edges which can be utilized with modifiers.
New nodes added to get or set uv-maps. There are three nodes for that Get UV Map Layer, Insert UV Map Layer, and Set UV Map.
A new Set Polygon Material Index node added. This node allows to set material index for each polygon. So one can assign different materials to different regions of an object.
A new Calculate Loose Edges option was added in the advanced node settings. The option ensures loose edges are marked for correct view-port drawing.
A new Bmesh Invert Normals node was added. It inverts the normals of the input Bmesh.