Euler Math


This node performs the following euler math operations.

  • Add - Add corresponding elements of the input eulers.
  • Subtract - Subtract corresponding elements of the input eulers.
  • Multiply - Multiply corresponding elements of input eulers.
  • Divide - Divide corresponding elements of input eulers.
  • Scale - Multiply all the elements of the input euler by the input Scale.
  • Absolute - Returns the absolute value of the input euler.
  • Snape - Snape individual elements of the input euler to a step size defined for each element by the input Step Size euler.


  • Euler A - The first euler.
  • Euler B - The second euler.

Inputs are dynamic. This means the node has either one or two inputs based on selected operation. These inputs can also be scalar or eulers based on the operation.


  • Result - The result of euler math operations.