Find Shortest Path


This node find shortest path(s) from source(s) on mesh island(s) using modified Dijkstra’s algorithm.


  • Mode Type -

    • Path - Find path from source vertex to other vertex.
    • Tree - Find paths from source vertex(ies) to other vertices.
  • Path Type -

    • Mesh - It generates mesh type path(s).
      • Join Meshes - If enabled, will join meshes and generate a mesh for paths.
    • Spline - It generates spline type paths.
    • Stroke - It generates gp stroke type paths.


  • Mesh - The mesh.
  • Source(s) - An integer or integer list which is the index(ies) of the start vertex(ies).


  • Mesh(s) - The mesh(es).
  • Splines - The splines.
  • Strokes - The GP Strokes.