Create Polygon Indices
This node creates a polygon indices which then can be used to create a
polygon indices list to create meshes.
Vertex Amount - This option generates a polygon indices of a
specific number of vertices with the sequence 0,1,2,...
- Use list - It is the option you see beside the menu, if
enabled, the node will expect a list of vertices amounts and
the output will be a polygon indices list that include
polygon indices of corresponding vertices amounts with the
Indices - This options convert an integer list to a polygon
indices list.
- Indices - An integer list that contain all the indices of the
vertices that form the polygon. (Only available in Indices option)
- Vertex amount(s) - The amount of vertices of the polygon, if
this input was 3, the output polygon indices will be
. (Only
available in Vertex Amount option)
- Polygon Indices - The resulted polygon indices.