Extract Polygon Transforms


This node returns transformation matrices that describe the location and orientation of the input polygons.


  • Extraction Type -
    • Default - Use polygon center and first edge as basis for the transformation matrix of the polygon.
    • Edge - Use one of the edge of the polygon as basis for the transformation matrix of the polygon.
      • Edge Selection Type -
        • Direction - This option allows to select the edge based on the direction.
          • X - Return matrix oriented on the edge in the polygon that along X-axis.
          • Y - Return matrix oriented on the edge in the polygon that along Y-axis.
          • Z - Return matrix oriented on the edge in the polygon that along Z-axis.
          • Custom - Return matrix oriented on the edge in the polygon that along the custom axis.
        • Distance - This option allows to select the edge based on the distance to the input center.
          • Closest - Return matrix oriented on the edge in the polygon closest to the input center.
          • Furthest - Return matrix oriented on the edge in the polygon furthest to the input center.


  • Mesh - The mesh.
  • Vertices - A vector list that represents the locations of the vertices of the polygons.
  • Polygon Indices - The polygon indices of the polygons.
  • Direction - A vector to specify the direction. (Available in Direction edge selection type.)
  • Center - A vector to specify the center. (Available in Distance edge selection type.)


  • Transforms - A matrix list that includes transformation matrices that describe the location and orientation of the polygons.
  • Inverse Transforms - The inverse matrix of the transforms.

Advanced Node Settings

  • Source - This option allows to select the input source type.
    • Mesh - A mesh as the input source.
    • Vertices and Polygons - A vector list that represents the locations of the vertices of the polygons and polygon indices of the polygons as the input source.
  • Polygons are Flat - Performance can be improved when you are certain that all polygons are flat. Enabling this can lead to artifacts when the polygons are not actually flat.