
Data Types

  • Mesh - A data structure that represents a mesh. Mainly, it stores vertices locations and possibly edge indices and polygon indices. Additionally, it may store custom data layers such as UVs and vertex colors.
  • BMesh - A data structure that represents a bmesh. It is like mesh, stores vertices locations, edge indices and polygon indices but allows to do certain mesh processes e.g., recalculating normals, remove doubles, etc.
  • Edge Indices - A data structure that represents an edge. It is a tuple containing two integers.
  • Polygon Indices - A data structure that represents a polygon. It is a tuple containing at least three integers.


  • Mesh Socket - It can intake or output the mesh(es). This socket has node link conversion for mesh to vertices and bmesh.
  • BMesh Socket - It can intake or output the bmesh(es).
  • Edge Indices Socket - It can intake or output the edge indices (list).
  • Polygon Indices Socket - It can intake or output the polygon indices (list). This socket has node link conversion for polygon indices list to edge indices list.
