Offset Matrix
This node offset a matrix based on one of two source:
- An input offset translation, rotation, and scale with an input falloff as a
- A bounded action representing a transformation.
In this offset source, the matrices are offset based on the input location,
rotation, and scale using the input falloff as a factor.
- Location - Enables location-based offset.
- Rotation - Enables rotation-based offset.
- Scale - Enables scale-based offset.
- Matrices - The matrices to offset.
- Falloff - A falloff to use as a factor.
- Translation - The offset translation vector.
- Rotation - The offset rotation euler.
- Scale - The offset scale vector.
In this offset source, the matrices are offset based on a bounded
transformation action. The action can be evaluated at a fixed frame or at
variable frames defined by a falloff. You can think of the offset action when
evaluated as the transformation of an animated empty.
In this mode of operation, the action is evaluated at a certain frame and the
matrices will be offset based on the transforms of the action at this frame.
- Matrices - The matrices to offset.
- Action - A bounded transformation action.
- Frame - The frame to evaluate the action at.
In this mode of operation, the action is evaluated at the normalized frame
computed by evaluating the input falloff at the input matrices. By normalized
frame we mean relative to the bounds of the action, that is, a falloff value of
zero will evaluate the action at its very start and a falloff value of 1 will
evaluate the action at its very end. Then the input matrices will be offset
based on the transforms of the action after evaluation.
- Matrices - The matrices to offset.
- Action - A bounded transformation action.
- Falloff - The normalized frame falloff.
- Matrices - The new matrices after offset.
Advanced Node Settings
- Use Matrix List - If disabled, the node will offset a single matrix.
- Global Axis - This option translate matrices in global space.
- Local Axis - This option translate matrices in local space, in
other words, the translation vector is rotated based on the rotation
of the transformation matrix before it get added.
- Global Axis - Global Pivot - This option rotate matrices in
global space around the space’s origin point. Use it when your
matrix represent a vector.
- Global Axis - Local Pivot - This option rotate matrices in
global space around their origin point. Use it when you matrix
represent an object and you want to transform in around its origin.
- Local Axis - Local Pivot - This option rotate matrices in local
space around their origin point. Use it when you matrix represent an
object and you want to transform in around its origin.
- Local Axis - This option scale matrices in their local space.
Use this option if your matrices represent objects and you want to
scale them without changing their position.
- Global Axis - This option scale matrices in global space. Use
this option if your matrices represent objects and you want to scale
them without changing their position.
- Include Translation - This option scale matrices in global
space. Use this option if you want to scale them while changing
their position.
- Translation Only - This option scale matrices in global space.
Use this option if you want only location to change.