Convert Plane Type
This node converts between the two representations of 3D planes,
Point-Normal representation and Transformation Matrix representation.
Not to be mistaken by the primitive mesh plane, planes in this context
are mathematical objects that can be defined by a normal and a location
or a transformation matrix since matrices can encode both the normal and
the location of the plane.
- Point/Normal To Matrix - This option will encode the input
location and the input normal of the plane into a transformation
- Matrix To Point/Normal - This option will decode the input
transformation matrix and return the location and the normal of the
plane represented by that transformation matrix.
- Point In Plane - A vector that correspond to the location of a
point in the plane. (Only in the Point/Normal To Matrix option)
- Plane Normal - A unit vector that correspond to the normal of
the plane. (Only in the Point/Normal To Matrix option)
- Matrix - A transformation matrix that represent the plane. (Only
in the Matrix To Point/Normal option)
- Point In Plane - A vector that correspond to the location of a
point in the plane. (Only in the Matrix To Point/Normal option)
- Plane Normal - A unit vector that correspond to the normal of
the plane. (Only in the Matrix To Point/Normal option)
- Matrix - A transformation matrix that represent the plane. (Only
in the Point/Normal To Matrix option)