Index Mask Falloff


This node creates an index based falloff that associates one of two input floats to every object. The node supports random assignment of floats as well as every Nth object assignment.


  • Every Nth - This option assign input float A to indices that are divisible by some input integer n and input float B to indices that aren’t. If n was 2 then the pattern will be BABABABA because even numbers are divisible by 2 while odd aren’t. If n was 3 then the pattern will be BBABBABB because 3,6,9 are divisible by 3 while other numbers aren’t.
  • Random - This option assign input float A and B randomly but limited with some probability. If the probability is 1 all objects will have float B, if zero all object will have float A, if 0.5 half of the object will have A and the other half will have B. But it is a probability so it is not guaranteed.


  • Step - An integer to check divisibility against. See Every Nth option above. (Only available in Every Nth option)
  • Offset - This integer is added to the index of every object. It acts as an offset for the pattern, so pattern ABABAB offset by 1 will be BABABA. (Only available in Every Nth option)
  • Seed - Seed of the random generator. (Only in the Random option)
  • Probability - The probability that float B will be assigned to objects. See Random option above. (Only in the Random option)
  • A - Float A. Can be between zero and one.
  • B - Float B. Can be between zero and one.


  • Falloff - The actual falloff object.