
Mix Falloff

A new Subtract and Overlay methods were added to the node. In the Overlay mode, the B falloff is added to the A falloff such that the addition is full when A is equal to 0.5 and decreases gradually as A goes to zero or one. The following shows an example of using the overlay mode.

Radial Falloff

A new Radial Falloff node was added. The value of the falloff is equal to the normalized angle between the projection of two vectors on the plane defined by the inputs. The first vector is the positive x axis and the second vector is the vector in question.

Object Controller Falloff

A new Radial mode was added. The mode is identical to the aforementioned Radial Falloff where the center and normal of the plane are controlled by the location and local axis of the controller object.

A new Create Trigger operator was added in the Advanced Node Settings. The operator creates execution triggers on the input object’s transforms as needed.

Remap Falloff

A new Interpolation input was added. The remapped range will be evaluated at the input interpolation if it is not linear.

Clamp Falloff

A new Clamp Falloff node was added. The node clamps falloff value to a certain range.

Point Distance Falloff

The Point Distance Falloff node is now vectorized. Max and Add mix types were added for list inputs.

Spline Falloff

A new Parameter mode was added to the node. In this mode, the falloff is equal to the parameter of the projection of the vector on the spline. If the projection of the vector is at the start of the spline, the value will be closer to zero, and if the projection of the vector is at the end of the spline the value will be closer to one.

Random Falloff

The inputs of the Random Falloff node are no longer clamped.

Mesh Falloff

A new Mesh Falloff node was added. This node allows to generate falloff based on mesh surface and volume.