Evaluate Spline


This node will return information a point on the spline at some normalized distance from the starting point where this distance is defined by the input Parameter.


  • Parameter Type - The method of evaluation. Can be Uniform or Resolution. A uniform type would result in equally spaced evaluated points for equally spaced parameters. On the other hand, a resolution type would evaluated points depending on the density of the spline, so they may not be equally spaced.
  • Evaluation Type -
    • Parameter - The spline will be evaluated at the input parameter(s) using the evaluation method outlined above.
    • Range Count - The spline will be uniformly evaluated giving a specific number of points.
    • Range Step - The spline will be uniformly evaluated every specific step size.


  • Spline - A spline to evaluate.

Parameter Evaluation Type

  • Parameter - The position of the point to be evaluated in the normalized distance of the spline. (0 is the start of the spline and 1 is the end of the spline)

Range Count Evaluation Type

  • Count - The number of points to evaluate.
  • Start - The start parameter to start evaluating from.
  • End - The end parameter to end evaluating at.

Range Step Evaluation Type

  • Step - The step size to evaluate the spline at.
  • Start - The start parameter to start evaluating from.
  • End - The end parameter to end evaluating at.


  • Location - A vector that represents the position of the point in the curve that correspond to the input parameter.
  • Tangent - A vector that is aligned with the tangent line to the evaluated point.
  • Normal - A vector that is perpendicular to the tangent and some other vector. The other vector is chosen such that it guarantee minimal change in the normal as the parameter change.
  • Radius - The radius of the spline at the point.
  • Tilt - The tilt of the spline at the point.
  • Curvature - The curvature of the spline at the point.
  • Matrix - A matrix that is aligned with tangent and normal of the spline at the point and scaled by the radius of the spline at the point.

Advanced Node Settings

  • Resolution - It is the quality of the evaluated spline, in other words, it is the number of point in the spline used in evaluation.
  • Wrap Parameters - If enabled, the input parameters will wrap around the [0, 1] range. For instance, a parameter of 1.1 will be wrapped to 0.1 and a parameter of -0.1 will be wrapped to 0.9.