Evaluate MIDI Track


This node evaluates the input MIDI track at the input time. Evaluating a track in this context means evaluating the ADSR envelope of the note currently playing on a certain channel with a certain note number with a maximum sustain level. This means that the output of the evaluation will be zero at the start of the note and will gradually increase to reach 1 in a time period called the Attack Time and after the note ends, the output will gradually decrease from 1 to reach zero in a time period called the Release Time. Both periods can have custom interpolations to define how fast the values decrease or increase. There are two modes of evaluation. You can either evaluate a single note number or all 128 note numbers at the same time.


  • Single - Only a single note number is evaluated.
  • All - All 128 note numbers are evaluated.


  • Track - The MIDI track to evaluate.
  • Frame - The frame to evaluate the track at.
  • Channel - The MIDI channel to evaluate the track at.
  • Note Number - The MIDI note number to evaluate the track at. This is only available in the Single option.
  • Attack Time - The attack time of the ADSR envelope.
  • Attack Interpolation - An interpolation describing the rate of increase of the note value up to the maximum sustain level.
  • Decay - The decay of the ADSR envelope.
  • Decay Interpolation - An interpolation describing the rate of decrease of the note value down to the maximum sustain level.
  • Sustain - The sustain level of the ADSR envelope.
  • Release Time - The release time of the ADSR envelope.
  • Attack Interpolation - An interpolation describing the rate of decrease of the note value to zero.
  • Velocity Sensitivity - Attenuate the MIDI note values by their velocity if 1, has no effect if 0.
  • Scene - Only used to get the FPS to compute the time from the input frame.


  • Note Value(s) - The value(s) of the note(s) at the current time.
